How to split string to strings of equal length in JavaScript?


// ['abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd']

Here's original StackOverflow answer.


In today's Advent of Code challenge, I had to simulate drawing pixels on 40x6 CRT screen. First I computed lit and dark pixels, and got the following string, which I needed to map on 40x6 screen.

const screen = '##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..###...###...###...###...###...###...###.####....####....####....####....####....#####.....#####.....#####.....#####.....######......######......######......###########.......#######.......#######.....';

const formattedScreen = screen

After logging that in the console, I got expected output which contained 8 capital letters - the answer to the challenge: PGHFGLUG
